English with friends is...FUN!!
eTwinning project 2018-2019
Students' tasks:
Let’s explore the things we do every day. So, this is what we are going to do.
Write down the activities you do. Go to the Forum and you'll find a forum for each group. Go to yours and write there three activities you like doing or you usually do or you know the name in English.
We'll make a list with all of them.
Each group will be given some of the activities to draw. The list will be published in the Twinspace (2nd activity).
Draw them on a piece of paper your teacher will give you. Once scanned you'll have to put them in a table provided also by your teacher. This way we'll make a set of cards to play different games.
Prepare a card game. Ask questions: “Do you (play…)?” and give answers: “Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”
Play together in a video conference.
List of activities students wrote in the forum